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Search results for 'Shift'

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Protest against Metro Car Shed in Aarey Forest

Protests erupted in Mumbai on Sunday against the new Maharashtra government's decision to shift the metro car shed project back to Aarey Colony.

Sweden and Finland Join NATO - How will Russia React?

Sweden and Finland are both joining Nato - a monumental shift for two nations with a long history of wartime neutrality and staying out of military alliances.

Healthy Snacks To Eat During Late Night Shift

With erratic schedules come erratic meals, thus leading to health-related problems. A few conscious dietary changes are all you need to get back on track.

Euro 2020 : Christian Eriksen Collapses Mid-Game

Denmark midfielder Christian Eriksen, who collapsed mid-game against Finland, has been shifted to a hospital where he is undergoing further treatment.

2 Indian School Girls Discover Asteroid

Two Indian schoolgirls have discovered an asteroid which is slowly shifting its orbit and moving toward Earth.

IPL Final Shifts from Tamil Nadu to Hyderabad

The venue for the IPL, Finale shifts from Chennai to Hyderabad, over locked stands in the stadium.