Man Murders His Colleague With a Gas Cylinder

A man has murdered his co-worker with a cylinder when they were both working at a gas distributor.

In today’s world, humanity has almost ended and the same can be witnessed by crimes and events happening around us in day-to-day life. Humans have developed toxic feelings of hate and jealousy, which is leading humanity on the verge of extinction. Now, to add on to this, a shocking and heart wrenching video of murder has emerged on the internet from Peru. A man identified as Rafael Vilcatoma Arone has murdered his co-worker Mr Abraham Lucano Huarcaya when they were both working at a gas distributor center.  

The violent scene was recorded by CCTV cameras which were installed at the premises. The CCTV footage shows the moment in which the victim Abraham Lucano can be seen arranging the empty gas cylinders. Just a few moments later, he turned his back on his co-worker Rafael Vilcatoma , who took advantage of the moment of distraction to take one of the gas cylinders ??and smashed it into his head with maximum force. Not satisfied with the first attack, even after the victim was blown and collapsed, Rafael hit his colleague’s face several more times repeatedly, until he was lifeless and lying on the floor. 

After committing the murder, he decided to flee away from the location quickly; however, the National Police have captured him in record time and then transferred him to the custody. The incident occurred on 6th September 2022, in the morning hours in Ayacucho city, Peru. It is known that Rafael Vilcatoma was interrogated to find out the reason that led him to attack his co-worker. However, the exact reason behind the murder is not known, it is reported that the criminal identified in the video was mentally ill and had psychological disorders. What do you think about this shocking video? Do mention your thoughts in the comment section below.
