FM Blames Youth For Slow Down of Auto Industry

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has blamed Indian millennials for the slowdown of the Automobile sector in India.

At a press conference in Delhi yesterday, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said that the auto industry is facing problems such as unemployment, and financial problems as well. The FM said that this is because the youth are opting for cab services such as OLA and Uber. She said that the youth these days have become scared to buy cars and do not like EMIs. This is the reason for the problems in the automobile industry. 

People all over the country do not agree with her and on social media, there are many funny memes about her as well. The youth say that the problems in the automobile industry is not because of the youth. It because of the economic problems in the country. They say that if the youth want to buy a new car they have to think twice. Earning money has become very difficult. Another point is the high GST rate. Because of the increase in GST sales of cars have reduced. 

Those of us living in cities know the traffic problems. Nobody wants to buy a car and get stuck in traffic. On top of that parking is another headache. This is why the youth prefer OLA,  Ubers and public transport. The new Motor Vehicles Act implements heavy fines on people who break traffic rules. People these days do not want to pay big fines and have stopped buying cars. Many accepted that they prefer OLA and Uber because it is cheaper compared to owning a car. A person can book the can anytime anywhere and it is safe as well. 

