Mumbai-based business Aaryan Singh Kushwah shared a pic with his Ola driver, Parag Patil on X (Twitter), revealing Patil to be a gold medal-winning Indian athlete.
Indian athletes at the 2022 Asian Games in Hangzhou, China, secured 28 medals, including historic wins in Equestrian and Women's Cricket.
With the brilliant performance of the Indian Athletes, India has managed to secure the 4th Position in the Commonwealth Games 2022.
In the latest session of the Deaflympics, Indian athletes are seen performing really well as India has managed to enter the list of top 10 with a total of 3 Medals so far- Watch full story
Indian athletes clinched a total of 7 medals in the ongoing paralympics which included 2 gold, 4 silver and 1 bronze.
Just when the entire nation was celebrating the spectacular achievements of Indian athletes at the Tokyo Olympics 2020, a Tamil Nadu-based female athlete was dropped from participating at the 4th Worl
Indian athlete Dutee Chand has created history and become the first athlete to win a gold medal in a 100 meter sprint at a global level.