Equal Opportunities for All Deaf People

Today’s theme for International Week of the Deaf is ‘Equal Opportunities for All Deaf People’. The theme highlights the importance of the need for accessible services to ensure equality for deaf indiv

Today is the 5th day of International Week of the Deaf and the theme for today is ‘Equal Opportunities for All Deaf People’. Any workplace environment must have qualified Sign Language interpreters which are fully funded by the government. When workplaces are accessible to the Deaf, Deaf people will be able to work efficiently, they will succeed in life and be able to contribute to society. So sign language training programs need to be established and developed with the leadership of deaf people.Government-funded sign language interpreting services must be available for deaf people in all areas of life. Equal opportunities for all deaf people mean equal opportunities for various groups of deaf people which includes deaf women. 

Deaf women and girls are under-represented and face discrimination in society discrimination due to their gender, disability. Everyone including associations of deaf people must pay attention to the specific situation of deaf women. They should implement ways to safeguard gender equality. When any decisions are being made about the Deaf by Deaf associations or governments, Deaf women must be included in the decision-making process. 

This year’s Covid-19 pandemic has shown that Deaf people do not have access to important  healthcare information in Sign Language. Also sexual and reproductive health care, health prevention programmes including psychiatric care and psychotherapy must be accessible to deaf people in their national sign languages. Also Sex education, information about Menstruation, information about important diseases, depression, etc. must be given to Deaf people in an accessible format in their own sign language. Deaf individuals must have equal opportunities in the society. This is only possible when all services are made accessible through sign language. 
