Why Do Our Ancestors Sit on the Floor While Eating?

Sitting on the floor with folded legs while eating food actually has a lot of health benefits, according to science. Do you know about these?

In India our ancestors would sit on the floor and have their meals. They would sit with their legs folded and eat on banana leaves, clay plates, etc. Now times have changed. Many people have started using steel plates and eating on the dining table. 

Do you know why Indians sit on the floor while eating? 

  • Sitting on the floor with folded legs while eating food actually has a lot of health benefits. 

  • Sitting cross-legged on the floor is actually a Yoga pose called 'Sukhasana'. In this position the body is relaxed and makes the body ready for the digestive process. 

  • Also the constant movement of bending forward and straightening up while eating the food makes sure the digestive juices are released, enhancing speedy digestion.  When the digestion of the food is proper, the body automatically starts functioning well.

  • When we practice eating the food in this position daily, while sitting and getting up our joints become more flexible, reducing the risk of bone ailments. 

So even if you find it outdated to sit on the floor with crossed legs or if you feel embarrassed, remember that it has a lot of importance. We recommend you stop using your table, sit on the floor with your family and have your meals. It will really help your health. 
