Take the Phone to the Toilet and End Up in Hospital

Bringing phones to the bathroom risks health problems, germs, and accidents, highlighting the need to stop this habit.

A recent study has found that 90 percent of people bring their smartphones to the bathroom. If you do the same then it can cause a lot of health problems and land you in the hospital. 

Here is why you need to put a full stop to this habit.

  1. You expose your phone to germs like salmonella, E. Coli and C. Difficile when you take it to the toilet, which increases your chances of catching an infection.

  2. Toilets are filled with bacteria and viruses. If you sit for long then you are breathing it in and it can lead to health problems. 

  3. When you take your phone along, you sit for longer, which puts unnecessary Pressure on your rectum, which can cause hemorrhoids.

  4. By putting pressure on the rectum, you can worsen the already existing gastrointestinal issues.

  5. Many take their phones along because they do not want to miss their work. This creates stress. You must spend 10-15 minutes in the washroom. Be mindful of the time. Long time is not good for health. Focus on your bowel movement.

  6. People who carry their phones to the toilet are more likely to drop them sometimes in the toilet. 
