Nutritional Facts About Beetroots

The vibrant, purple-reddish vegetable, the beetroot is very nutritious. It provides astonishing health benefits when consumed either raw or cooked. See some of the benefits in this video.

Did you know that the vibrant, purple-reddish vegetable, the beetroot, is very nutritious. This vegetable provides astonishing health benefits when consumed either raw or cooked. 

Let me tell you some more benefits: 

  1. Keeps Inflammation away: 

Beetroots have a lot of antioxidants which helps prevent chronic (long time) inflammation

  1. Strengthens digestive system

Beetroots are excellent sources of dietary fiber which reduces constipation, inflammatory bowel diseases. It also reduces the risk of colon cancer. Even though it is low in calories, consumption of beetroots also keeps you full for longer.

  1. Strengthens brain health

Beetroots improve cognitive function. It helps dilate the blood vessels (nerves and veins). This increases blood flow to the brain which aids in smooth brain functions.

  1. Anti-cancer properties

Beetroot is rich in fiber and they help lessen the growth of tumour cells.

  1. Nutritious: 

Beetroots have a lot of vitamin B6, C, folic acid, potassium, magnesium, protein, iron, phosphorus. So, your overall requirement of healthy nutrients is taken care of. 

Whether you want to have a beetroot salad, juice or a beetroot dip - doesn’t matter how you wish to consume it; just make sure that you add it in your meal.
