Nirvaan Somany; 17-Year-Old Who Recycles Jeans to Sleeping Bag

Nirvaan Somany's 'Project Jeans – Blue To Green' transforms old denim into warmth for the needy, saving water and reducing environmental impact.

Have you ever wondered what happens to your old, worn-out jeans? Most of us might just toss them away without a second thought. But the story of Nirvaan Somany, a 13-year-old boy from Delhi, will make you think twice before discarding your denim.

It all started when Nirvaan stumbled upon a startling fact on Facebook: it takes a whopping 10,000 liters of water to produce a single pair of jeans! That's equivalent to what one person in India uses for 100 days in urban areas or nearly 180 days in rural areas. This eye-opening realization shook Nirvaan to the core.

Instead of seeing just a pile of old clothes in his wardrobe, Nirvaan saw something else – he saw a lifetime supply of water neatly folded on the racks. This made him realize the immense impact of clothing manufacturing and waste on the environment.

Nirvaan's family used to donate blankets to the less fortunate during the harsh winters in Delhi. But Nirvaan understood that these blankets were only a temporary solution and might not endure the cold weather for long. That's when he came up with a brilliant idea – repurpose old jeans into sleeping bags to help both the environment and the needy.

However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdown, Nirvaan's plans had to be put on hold for almost two years. But in 2022, he launched 'Project Jeans – Blue To Green' as a business pitch at the Young Entrepreneurs Academy.

Nirvaan highlighted the durability and insulation properties of denim, citing its use in making insulation panels in the United States and other countries. He proposed that using denim to make sleeping bags would not only provide warmth during winters but also contribute to reducing the negative impacts of jeans production on the environment.

His idea garnered immense support and appreciation, spurring Nirvaan to turn his vision into reality. With the help of his mother Shivani, Nirvaan created prototypes of denim sleeping bags, meticulously refining them to ensure comfort and effectiveness.

After testing multiple prototypes and gathering feedback from users, Nirvaan and Shivani finally perfected the denim sleeping bag. Since then, 'Project Jeans – Blue To Green' has recycled over 12,000 jeans to create more than 2,000 sleeping bags. These sleeping bags have been distributed to homeless individuals across various cities in India and even provided as aid to earthquake-stricken areas in Turkey and Syria.

Through his initiative, Nirvaan has not only provided warmth and shelter to the less fortunate but also made a significant impact on the environment. It is a reminder that a simple act of donating old jeans can go a long way in making a difference in people's lives and protecting our planet. So, the next time you're about to discard your old jeans, consider donating them – you might just be helping someone in need and safeguarding our environment.
