8 Poisonous Foods We Commonly Eat

Some commonly found fruits and foods in India can be harmful if not consumed properly, posing health risks, so it's important to be cautious.

In India, we have a lot of delicious and healthy fruit options which are loved by people of all ages. 

However there are some fruits which may be dangerous and should be avoided. 

1. Lychee : If lychee is eaten when it is raw or not properly ripe, it can lead to extremely low blood sugar. The toxins can lead to a lot of problems from fever to encephalopathy (brain issue) to death.

2. Starfruit : For people with kidney problems, the toxics in the star fruit accumulate and can lead to hiccups, vomiting, weakness, mental confusion, long-lasting seizures, coma, and even death.

3. Castor beans : We have all heard about castor oil which is very healthy and used in a lot of treatments. However, the beans that the oil is made from are harmful. If castor beans are chewed and swallowed, they can release ricin, a highly poisonous chemical. Eating just one or two castor beans can easily be fatal.

4. Apple Seeds : Apple seeds have cyanide. But luckily, they have a protective coating that keeps the cyanide from entering your system if you accidentally eat them. But it’s good to be cautious. Cyanide can cause rapid breathing, seizures, and possibly death.

5. Bitter Almonds : Both types of almonds -- bitter and sweet -- have amygdalin, a chemical that can turn into cyanide. But bitter almonds have the highest levels. Sweet almonds are safe but eating bitter almonds can cause cramps, nausea, and diarrhea.

6. Potatoes : If potatoes have taken on a greenish shade or have sprouted, a toxic release is released. If you eat a lot of such potatoes, it can lead to vomiting, stomach pain, hallucinations or even paralysis. 

7. Raw Kidney Beans : Raw red kidney beans have the highest levels of a chemical called lectins. Lectins can cause bad stomach ache, vomiting, and diarrhea. Eating only 4-5 raw kidney beans causes these side effects, which is why it’s best to boil your beans before eating.

These are all very commonly found in our households. Let us keep an eye out so that no mishaps happen! Stay safe, stay healthy!
