Make Plastic Fantastic Again

Innovative ways of recycling plastic.

Plastic has become a 21st century headache. According to research, 90% of the world’s plastic is not recycled. Our goal should be to recycle plastic a major chunk of waste plastic.

In 2016, the world consumed 480 billion bottles of plastic. That is 1 million bottles of plastic per minute. Many companies are trying to reduce the use of plastic or methods to recycle it.

Factories which recycle plastic, use machines that detect plastic which can be recycled. These machines separate the recyclable plastic. Sometimes because of the black color of the plastic. These machines are not able to detect it.For example food trays. They can be completely recycled. But because of their black colour the machine can't pick it up. Because of this we are not able to recycle more plastic

BASF  is German company that has create different methods to tackle the problem of plastic in the world.

BASF has created a dye which will help the machine detect the plastic that can be recycled. This will help to increase the amount of plastic we can recycle.They  have also created a type of plastic that can be used as compost. This type of plastic can easily decompose without creating waste.

BASF have started working with customers to help them reduce their plastic waste.

As consumers we must be aware about the problems of plastic and help toward recycling it.
