Vivek Agnihotri Bankrupt After Making Vaccine War

Vivek Agnihotri's "The Vaccine War" explores COVID-19 origins and media manipulation, funded by Agnihotri, gaining praise in US screenings.

You all know the movie Kashmir Files was very impactful. People were shocked to see the movie and the suffering of the Kashmiri Pandits. When the movie was released in ISL, the Deaf Community became aware of the story and for the first time, they saw a movie in their own language. Now Director and producer Vivek Agnihotri is back with a new film and it is called The Vaccine War! Yesterday they released the trailer in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, and ISL! Vivek Ranjan Agnihotri recently revealed that he and his wife Pallavi Joshi produced the movie with their own personal money and it has left him bankrupt. Yes! Agnihotri spent all his money to make this film because he strongly believed in the story. And when you watch the trailer you will surely get goosebumps. In the trailer, characters talk about whether the Coronavirus was made in the lab or was it natural. The movie shows how the media tried to manipulate facts about the vaccine. Hearing people were very shocked and people were eagerly waiting for the movie. People are saying that just like the Kashmir Files, even in this movie Vivek Agnihotri will strongly open up all facts about the coronavirus. There was a special screening of the Vaccine War in different parts of the USA like Orlando, Chicago, Washington D.C, Los Angeles, Denver, Houston and Dallas. Indians who saw the movie said that Vivek Agnihotri has shown the truth in the movie. Nobody had the power to show the truth except for him. Some said that every Indian person must watch this film. Some people said that it is a fact-based movie and made them feel proud of Indians. Speaking about what sets The Vaccine War apart, Agnihotri elaborates, “CBFC doesn’t allow you to write ‘a true story’ on the poster unless the story of a film is absolutely true. We have done two years of research and interviews that we did and the names of every scientist is real. We have only changed the name of the associations and companies not to get into a defamation kind of scenario. Every article and tweet used in the film is absolutely real even though we have blurred the names in India since CBFC has certain guidelines. The characters’ names have been changed but when you see the film, you will understand who these people are. In The Kashmir Files, we had created some fictional characters but all the events were true. In this film, everything from the first frame to the last is real. In fact, a whole lot of dialogues being spoken by the scientists were actually spoken by them, those dialogues aren’t a product of my imagination."
