Turkish Men Arrested For ATM Crimes

After receiving information from Assam’s Cyber Police, two Turkish men were arrested in Mumbai for carrying out ATM frauds.

The Assam Cyber Police contacted the Mumbai Police and said that, there are two men fromTurkey in Mumbai. Their names are Abdul Halik Yurgan(42) and Eurah Igdi (33). The Assam Cyber Police said that these two men were involved in more than60 ATM crimes in Assam, especially in Guwahati. The Assam Police told the Mumbai police that the two men were staying in Colaba but their mobiles were switched off.

Mumbai police studied their previous call history and somehow managed to locate them. On the basis of the pictures provided by the Assam police, they were arrested and taken into custody. During questioning, the two men said that they were not working alone. The two men were part of a large gang. The Mumbai police asked them how did they manage to steal money from ATMs. 

They said that whenever they saw an ATM where there is no watchmen, they would enter and install skimming machines. When a customer would insert their card, the camera would record their password and steal data from their Debit/credit cards. They would then use these details to steal money from their cards. The Mumbai police is verifying if these men have committed an ATM crime in Mumbai 
