This Company Will Freeze Your Dead Body for Future for $2,20,000

A German startup, Tomorrow Bio, offers to freeze dead bodies in liquid nitrogen for future revival through cryopreservation.

Mankind has always dreamed of living forever, and now, a German startup company is offering a unique way to achieve that dream—even after death. Berlin-based "Tomorrow Bio," founded in 2020, has come up with a method to freeze dead bodies in the hope of bringing them back to life in the future. This process is called "cryopreservation."

Cryopreservation begins right after a person is declared dead. A special ambulance team from Tomorrow Bio cools the body to -80°C or -90°C and injects special chemicals called cryoprotectant agents. These agents prevent ice from forming and damaging the body's tissues. The body is then taken to a facility in Switzerland, where it is placed in a steel container filled with liquid nitrogen. Here, the body is preserved at a very cold temperature of -196°C for the long term.

This extreme cold stops all biological processes in the body, a state known as "biostasis." The idea is that in the future, when science and technology have advanced enough, these bodies can be revived, and even the causes of their deaths can be treated.

Cryopreservation is not cheap. It costs about ?1 crore 85 lakh (or $220,000) to preserve a full body, and ?68 lakh (or $81,000) to preserve only the brain. Despite the high cost, more than 650 people have already signed up for this service. So far, Tomorrow Bio has frozen six people and five pets. The company plans to expand its services to the USA by 2025.

Tomorrow Bio claims to be the only company in the world offering this service. They say their vision is "to build a world where people can choose how long they want to live—no matter where they are, who they are, or how much money they have."

Would you want to freeze your body to be revived?
