Tamil Nadu: Man Builds Temple For Alien God

A man in Tamil Nadu has built India's first temple dedicated to aliens, believing they are divine beings created by Lord Shiva.

India is known for its diverse and unique temples dedicated to various Gods, Goddesses, saints, celebrities, and even animals. But the latest addition to this list is something completely out of the ordinary—a temple devoted to aliens! Yes, you heard that right, aliens!

A man named Siddar from Mallamuppatti village in Tamil Nadu has built what he calls the "Alien God" temple. This is the first Alien Temple in India, and it’s located in the underground area of the village’s Kailaya Shiva Temple complex.

At the center of the temple, there is a black-colored statue of the "Alien God," and Siddar offers daily worship to it. During an interview with local media, Siddar shared that he built this temple after communicating with aliens and receiving their permission.

Siddar explained, “I’ve seen aliens in clairvoyance. They have come and talked to me twice. Don’t let anyone think I’m crazy because I'm talking to an alien. Many people are researching aliens, but no one believes it when they tell others about it.”

According to Siddar, Aliens were the first deity created by Lord Shiva and are the only ones who can save Earth from disasters with their immense power. He also claimed that aliens don’t look like the ones we see in movies. Instead, they resemble human beings, both male and female.

Despite his description, the statue in Siddar’s Alien Temple doesn’t look much like a human being. However, Siddar firmly believes that aliens mean no harm to Earth or its people and are here to do good for mankind. That’s why he built this temple.

He also added, “From now on, the arrival of aliens will be more frequent. Countries around the world are investigating aliens but often conceal their findings. Aliens will come in person and communicate with us; they are already visiting Earth.”

Would you visit this Alien Temple? What do you think about it? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
