Taiwan Man Divorces Wife after She Charges Him Money for Sex

A man in Taiwan filed for divorce after his wife stopped being intimate with him due to his weight gain and began emotionally abusing him, leading to an irreparable breakdown.

In today's world, divorce has become a common occurrence, but sometimes the reasons behind it can be quite unusual. One such uncommon story comes from Taiwan, where a man named Hao filed for divorce from his wife, Xuan, due to issues stemming from his weight gain.

Hao and Xuan, whose real names have been changed for privacy, began their relationship like any other couple. They fell in love, moved in together, and had two children before finally getting married in 2014. For a while, they enjoyed a happy married life. However, things took a turn for the worse in 2017 when Xuan began limiting their physical relationship to just once a month. By 2019, she had completely stopped being intimate with Hao, citing his increasing weight as the reason.

According to reports, Hao had gained a significant amount of weight after their marriage, and Xuan was unhappy with this change. She even went so far as to humiliate Hao in front of their relatives, calling him "too fat" and "incompetent." Feeling hurt and rejected, Hao filed for divorce in 2021. However, Xuan convinced him to withdraw the case by promising to work on their relationship. Trusting her words, Hao even transferred the ownership of their home to her.

Unfortunately, after the home was registered in her name, Xuan resumed her abusive behavior. She began demanding money from Hao—NT$500 (approximately ?1,300) each time he wanted to have a conversation or be intimate with her. Their relationship deteriorated further, and by 2021, they had stopped speaking to each other altogether, only communicating through text messages when absolutely necessary.

Earlier this year, Hao filed for divorce again, as their relationship had become "cold and difficult to fix." The court suggested marriage counseling, but it did not help. Ultimately, the court granted Hao's request for a divorce.

However, Xuan is not willing to accept the divorce and has appealed to a higher court to have it canceled. The case continues to unfold, with Xuan fighting to reverse the decision.

This unusual divorce story raises questions about the many different reasons couples may find themselves drifting apart. What is the most uncommon reason for divorce you have ever heard of? Share your thoughts in the comments.
