Spy Pigeon With Camera Caught in Odisha

A spy pigeon with a GPS device tied to its leg was found by fishermen on a fishing boat in Odisha.

In Odisha, a fishing boat was anchored in water around 35 kilometers off the coast of Konark. There were fishermen sitting in the trawler when suddenly a bird appeared and sat on the boat.  An alert fisherman noticed a tiny spy camera and a chip that appeared like a GPS device, tied to its legs.  Immediately after capturing the pigeon, the alert fishermen covered the spy camera on its leg with black tape. The boat returned to the harbour and the fisherman handed over the pigeon to the marine police on 8th March 2023.  The fishermen say that something was written on the body of the bird in a foreign language that couldn’t be understood. They suspect it is a spy pigeon being used to collect information. Now is this pigeon from Pakistan? China? Russia? Nothing is known yet and investigations are on. 

Carrier pigeons have a long history of being used by humans, with their message transmission services being well-documented. They were especially significant for soldiers serving in World War I and II. However, with the advancement of postal services, carrier pigeons were no longer needed for this purpose and have since been relegated to high-rise ledges in recent decades.

But to say that these urban vermin are completely useless to humanity couldn't be further from the truth.

In December 2022, a drug-smuggling pigeon was caught delivering a meth-filled backpack to an inmate in a prison yard in Canada.

Officers pursued the homing pigeon for a long time, but eventually managed to catch the bird, remove a package from it, and release it.

Upon inspection, they discovered 30 grams of crystal meth in the package, which is considered a significant amount of the highly addictive drug. In Canada, correctional officers have become increasingly vigilant for drones, which are commonly used to deliver illegal items to prisons.
