Russia President Vladimir Putin Declares War on Ukraine

Russia’s President Vladimir Putin has finally declared war on Ukraine. For an easy and detailed explanation about the crisis make sure you watch our latest video!

As you all may know there are a lot of problems happening between Ukraine and Russia. Today on 24th February, Russia declared war on Ukraine. Do you know why this happening? The answer to this is not very simple and is a little complicated. But don’t worry ISH News has created this video in which we explain the situation in a simple and clear for. Make sure you watch the entire video, so that you completely up-to-date with the Russia-Ukraine matter. To truly understand the matter, we will have to go back and learn a bit of history. Between 1922 to 1991 there was the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). [Box 03 15 countries were a part of the USSR . Russia was the largest and most powerful country in it. Ukraine was also a part of it. Post 1991, the USSR split. Russia became very powerful.That time Ukraine was very powerful. They and had many atom bombs and had the world’s third largest atomic & nuclear weapons in the world.The United States of America and Russia worked with Ukraine to destroy and remove all of these. Ukraine then gave hundreds of nuclear weapons to Russia. Ukraine said that they would give all the weapon but in exchange Russia had to promise that they would never attack Ukraine. Everything was good for a few years. However in 2014, when Russia invaded Ukraine and took control over the Crimea. Crimea is a very important place in Ukraine. Crimea has important ports and warm water which does not freeze in the winter. Russia took control over Crimea so that they can do business via the ports. Because during winters many of Russia’s water’s freeze and they have trouble doing business. There is also a significant Russian population in Ukraine. Russia even gave funds to groups in Ukraine that were demanding that Ukraine be given to Russia. There were many violent protests and many people had died. Since then there have been tensions between Ukraine & Russia. Now lets get back to the present year 2022. 

The reason for the Russia-Ukraine problem right now is a group called ‘NATO’ which is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. It is a group of 30 countries including the US, UK, France, and Germany. It was created in 1949 by the United States, Canada, and several Western European nations. This is because that time the USSR had become very very powerful and countries felt that the USSR would forcefully invade into their territories. This is why they created NATO. NATO considers an attack against one or several of its members as an attack against all. Members of NATO would support each other militarily if USSR invaded any of them. Now that USSR is no more, NATO continues to function. Member countries continue to support each other if someone attacks them. Ukraine was never a member of NATO but now Ukraine wants to become a member. The NATO, too, is open to make Ukraine its member. Russia is very very angry by this and does not want Ukraine to join Nato. Russia knows if Ukraine becomes a member of NATO and If Russia attacks Ukraine, then all of NATO’s member countries will support Ukraine and give Ukraine military support. Russia does not want this, which is why it is against Ukrain joining NATO. 


As a warning Russian President Vladimir Putin sent 1,90,000 Russian soldiers to the Russia-Ukraine border and they were seen preparing for war. The soldies have been there for more than a month now. Countries around the world got very worried. USA, Germany, France, Canada and other big countries were making efforts to convince Vladimir Putin to pull his army back from the borders of Ukraine. Now Putin has recognized two areas in eastern Ukraine as independent countries as he signed an agreement with leaders who were against the Ukraine government. These two places are Donetsk and Luhansk. Countries around the world are not happy with Russia’s decision. United States President Joe Biden has announced that since Russia is invading Ukraine, Russia will not be allowed to carry out any business with the USA. Strict trade rules have been implemented by the USA. Similarly Germany, England and other European countries have also impose strict trade rules against Russia. Today morning Puti has declared a war against Ukraine and sent its troops to Donetsk and Luhansk. Putin told soldiers of the Ukrainian military to lay down their weapons and join Russia. He also vowed retaliation against anyone who interfered.The Russian President added if anyone died or got injured, it would be Ukraine’s fault. In response, Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky said the country wanted peace. He said, "We are not afraid and we will not give anything away to anyone." Last week many Indian living in Ukraine were brought back to India as the Indian government realised the situation could worsen anytime. Experts believe if the crisis continues, it will have a major impact on the Indian economy, the Indian stock market, and prices of various commodities may rise sharply. Prices of oil could rise. Prices of wheat may also rise as Russia is the world's top wheat exporter while Ukraine is the fourth largest exporter of wheat. Now you may wonder, who is India supporting? Ukraine of Russia? India’s position is currently very neutral. India's Permanent Representative to the United Nations TS Tirumurti said, "The situation is in danger of spiralling into a major crisis. We urge both countries to calm down and not take any further action as it could affect the peace in both Russia and Ukraine.” Currently NATO members like USA, are sending military troops to Ukraine. We will have to wait and watch what happens. 

