Bizarre School Rules From Around the World

There are some bizarre rules in schools around the world you won't believe exist. Watch our video to learn all about it!

School days are one of the best days of our life. When we grow up and go to college or start working, we miss those days. School days remain some of the most precious days of our lives and will always remain in our hearts. But do you know there are some schools in the world which have some bizarre rules. 


Not allowed to make best friends 

Friendship is one of the first relationships that we make at school.  We always support our best friends. But in Thomas’s school in the UK, students are banned from making best friends! According to the school, if the children make best friends and then they break up with them, they will have a lot of trauma and stress. To protect children from this stress, then don’t allow children to make best friends. 


Teachers not allowed to use red pen

At an academy in Cornwall, U.K teachers are not allowed to use red pens. Because according to them, red ink was a very negative colour. Teachers are forbidden (not allowed) to use it to put marks or grades or make corrections on students’ papers. Instead of red, teachers are asked to use green pens. To encourage and motivate children, teachers write some positive comments on submitted work with green pens. 


Ban on relationships

Nowadays, dating someone is common among girls and boys. But sometimes it distracts them from their studies. Taking this seriously, many Japanese academies strictly imposed a ban on relationships so that pupils can concentrate on their education.


Good Appearance Not Allowed

Everyone wants to look good nowadays but is that possible without cosmetics? Some schools in Japan, students are not allowed to flaunt makeup, painted nails and shaved legs. The authorities want students to focus on their studies instead of looking good.


No high fives and hugs

It's normal when we are sitting in a group, and someone shares amazing jokes or when as a team we win on something we do high fives and hugs. But in England and the United States, some schools imposed strict bans on these physical contacts. They think it interferes with the students’ academic experience.


Students allowed to use washroom only three times per semester 

There are many times when students during the class, excuse themselves and go to the washroom and because of it, they miss their class. So, Evergreen Park High School in Chicago imposed a rule in 2011 that students will be allowed to use the washroom only three times per semester during the class. This was 

to make sure students don't miss valuable class time. 

 A curtain divider between male and female students

Recently this picture went viral on the internet where Male and female students were attending class under new classroom conditions at Avicenna University in Kabul, Afghanistan. The classroom was divided in the middle by a curtain. That means girls and boys cannot sit together in school and college premises.

Did your school have any such weird rules? If you do then let us know in the comments below. 
