Zodiac Sign Animal in China

Explore the intriguing world of the Chinese Zodiac, uncovering unique traits and characteristics associated with each animal sign.

In Indian culture, just like in many other parts of the world, people believe in Zodiac signs. While familiar with signs like Cancer and Pisces, have you heard about the Chinese Zodiac? It's a fascinating system where each year is associated with one of twelve animals. Let's delve into this captivating aspect of Chinese tradition.

Imagine this: God was bidding farewell to Earth and wanted to meet all the animals before departing. However, only twelve animals turned up, and God honored them by assigning each a year based on their arrival order.

Now, why animals and why twelve? Legend has it that the cat missed the meeting because the rat, its supposed friend, forgot to wake it up. Thus, only the rat managed to secure the first place by hitching a ride on the diligent ox's back.

Here's a breakdown of the twelve Chinese Zodiac animals:

1. Rat: Quick-witted, resourceful, versatile, and kind. Lucky numbers: 2 and 3. Lucky colors: blue, gold, and green.

2. Ox: Diligent, dependable, strong, and determined. Lucky numbers: 1 and 4. Lucky colors: white, yellow, and green.

3. Tiger: Brave, confident, competitive, and unpredictable. Lucky numbers: 1, 3, and 4. Lucky colors: blue, gray, and orange.

4. Rabbit: Quiet, elegant, kind, and responsible. Lucky numbers: 3, 4, and 6. Lucky colors: red, pink, purple, and blue.

5. Dragon: Confident, intelligent, and enthusiastic. Lucky numbers: 1, 6, and 7. Lucky colors: gold, silver, and grayish white.

6. Snake: Enigmatic, intelligent, and wise. Lucky numbers: 2, 8, and 9. Lucky colors: black, red, and yellow.

7. Horse: Animated, active, and energetic. Lucky numbers: 2, 3, and 7. Lucky colors: yellow and green.

8. Goat: Calm, gentle, and sympathetic. Lucky numbers: 2 and 7. Lucky colors: brown, red, and purple.

9. Monkey: Sharp, smart, and curious. Lucky numbers: 4 and 9. Lucky colors: white, blue, and gold.

10. Rooster: Observant, hardworking, and courageous. Lucky numbers: 5, 7, and 8. Lucky colors: gold, brown, and yellow.

11. Dog: Lovely, honest, and prudent. Lucky numbers: 3, 4, and 9. Lucky colors: red, green, and purple.

12. Pig: Compassionate, generous, and diligent. Lucky numbers: 2, 5, and 8. Lucky colors: yellow, gray, brown, and gold.

Based on your birth year, you can determine your Chinese Zodiac sign and explore its unique traits, lucky numbers, and colors. Embrace the charm of this ancient tradition and uncover the secrets hidden within your Zodiac animal.
