What to Do When Your Car Is Drowning?

The Simple & easy steps on how to escape from a sinking car. Watch this video to learn how you can protect yourself and your family from a sinking car.

Have you ever watched a Hollywood or Bollywood movie where a car sinks into water, trapping the passengers inside? Those scenes are terrifying, right? They make you think, "What would I do if this happened to me?" If you've had this thought, you're not alone.

Water-logging and street floods are becoming more common due to uneven monsoons, and unfortunately, cars can get stuck in the floodwaters. The rising water level can lead to drowning or suffocation for those trapped inside. It’s a frightening scenario, but knowing what to do can save your life and the lives of your passengers.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to escape from a sinking car:

1. Brace for Impact: If your car is about to enter a water body, prepare yourself for the impact.

2. Stay Calm: Panicking will only make the situation worse. Panic can drain your energy, use up precious air, and cause you to lose focus.

3. Unbuckle and Unlock: Quickly unbuckle your seatbelt and then help children or other passengers do the same. Unlock the car’s windows and doors as soon as possible.

4. Open a Window Immediately: Don’t try to open the doors. The pressure of the water outside will make it almost impossible to open them, and even if you manage to, it will flood the car faster.

5. Break the Window if Necessary: If the window doesn’t open, you need to break it. Keep a glass-breaking tool in your car, such as a center punch or a glass-breaking hammer. If you don’t have one, use the headrest from one of the seats. Hit the lower corner of the window repeatedly until it breaks. You can also try using your feet if no tools are available.

6. Escape Through the Broken Window: Get the children out first, and then follow. Swim or walk to safety as quickly as possible. Be mindful not to swim strongly until you're fully out of the car to avoid injuring others.

7. Contact Emergency Services: Once you’re safe, call for help immediately.

Preventive Measures:

- Always keep a glass-breaking tool in your car, preferably hanging around the rear-view mirror so it doesn’t get lost or float away when water enters the car.

- Practice unbuckling children’s seatbelts routinely to ensure they can do it quickly in an emergency.

- Before starting any journey, explain the escape plan to your family and any new passengers.

It's essential to stay informed and prepared for any emergency situation. For more life-saving tips, you can watch this informative video by ISH News: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Ho1sZTqh7c 

By knowing these steps and keeping the right tools handy, you can significantly increase your chances of survival if you ever find yourself in this dangerous situation. Stay safe, stay prepared.
