Suffering From Acid Reflux in Winters? We Know Why!

Acid refluxes are more common during the winters because of several preventable reasons.

Winter is here, and for many of us, it's the season of warmth, cozy blankets, and delicious hot beverages. But along with the joys of winter, some of us face a not-so-welcome visitor: acid reflux. Acid reflux, also known as heartburn, can be a real discomfort during the colder months. Let's dive into why this happens and what we can do to prevent it.

What is Acid Reflux?

Acid reflux occurs when the acid in our stomach decides to take a trip up the food pipe, causing that uncomfortable burning sensation in our chest and a sour taste in our mouth. If it happens frequently, it might even lead to a more serious condition called GERD (Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease).

Why Does It Happen More in Winter?

Lazy Behavior: In winters, we often find ourselves lazing around, snuggled up in blankets, which can lead to poor posture. This relaxed position can make it easier for stomach acid to creep up into the esophagus.

Unbalanced Physical Activity: With shorter days and colder weather, outdoor activities might take a back seat. This lack of exercise slows down our digestion, giving stomach acid more time to hang around and cause trouble.

Lower Sunlight Exposure: Winter means less sunlight, which can lead to lower levels of vitamin D. Vitamin D helps keep our esophagus sphincter strong, so when levels drop, it's easier for acid to sneak past.

Resorting to Comfort Food: Winter is the season of hearty meals, but heavy, fatty foods can slow down digestion and put pressure on the sphincter muscle, allowing acid to escape.

Indulging in Alcohol: Festive celebrations often involve alcohol, which can relax the sphincter muscle and let acid escape.

Clothes Too Tight: Tight clothing, like snug jeans or belts, can put pressure on our abdomen, forcing acid upwards.

How to Prevent Acid Reflux:

1. Stay Active: Even if it's chilly outside, try to incorporate indoor exercises like yoga or dancing into your routine.

2. Watch What You Eat: Enjoy winter treats in moderation and opt for lighter, less fatty foods. Avoid eating too close to bedtime.

3. Soak Up Some Sun: Try to get some sunlight every day to keep your vitamin D levels up.

4. Loose Clothing: Opt for comfortable, loose-fitting clothes to avoid putting pressure on your abdomen.

5. Home Remedies: Try sipping on fennel water or cumin tea, or chewing on a pinch of Ajwain and rock salt followed by warm water.

6. Consult a Doctor: If your acid reflux persists despite these changes, it's essential to seek medical advice for proper treatment.

Winter is a time for warmth and joy, but it can also bring unwanted discomfort like acid reflux. By making simple lifestyle adjustments and incorporating home remedies, you can enjoy the season to the fullest without the burn. Stay cozy, stay healthy!
