Nirbhaya Rapists Execution Delayed

The execution of Nirbhaya’s rapists has yet again been delayed. Watch our video for the detail.

You all had heard that Nirbhaya’s rapists will be hanged on 22nd January and we had even released a video about the person who would perform the execution.However, now people are saying that their execution will be delayed. Let me explain why it will be delayed.For years Nirbhaya’s parents have been running to each and every court to make sure the rapists are executed. AFter waiting for 7 years, finally the date for their execution was announced. But now out of the 4 rapists, Mukesh Singh has requested the President for a mercy plea.Rules say until and unless the President responds to the mercy plea, the four convicts can not be hanged. 

Even though just a few days the Court gave a death warrant saying the 4 men will be hanged on 22nd Jan but because of the convicts mercy plea, the execution will be delayed.Today the President rejected the man’s mercy plea.Now there is another rule. Once the President rejects the mercy plea, the law says that the jail has to wait for 14 days. Only after 14 days the rapists can be hanged.Now you all will be wondering, only one person filed a plea, so the others can be hanged. If a group of individuals have been given the death sentence and if even one person files a plea with the President, everyone execution will be put on hold. Because of all this Nirbahaya’s parents are extremely frustrated. They just want justice for their daughter.
